Monday, December 26, 2016

15 Lovely and Cute Newborn Baby Pictures expressions while awake and asleep

Newborn Babies are like angels. They are full of innocence and seem to be in a state of bliss. Capturing their beautiful expressions while awake and asleep is a tough job and some photographers have mastered this art. Today let us show you some lovely cute newborn babies pictures that we love and sure you do.
Clicking on the picture will open its higher resolution version where available.
[Advent Calendar - day 1/25] - Flavie & Sylvain proudly present...

.playing dress up.
babies are a gift from God
clover's close-up
Ethan is One Week Old
Feb, 23rd - Strobist sessions #5 - Alix, three monthes
Mr. Tiny
.beautiful baby boy.
Adorable Asher
because brown is the new black...
bodhi boy.

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